Academic Background

I studied Computer Science at the University of L'Aquila and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in December 2021. I then continued my studies for a Master's degree in Advanced Software Engineering, and I am expected to graduate in summer of 2024. My master's thesis focuses on the performance analysis of the current free-threading build of CPython, which is cutting-edge research crucial for the future of Python development.


As a Computer Science student I'm interested in coding and in learning new technologies. My favourite languages and technologies are HTML, PHP, Javascript and all that concerns web-development.
Go ahead to see some of the projects I worked on, both personal and academic ones.

Lofi Pomodoro Timer

Very simple pomodoro timer (inspired by Pomofocus) with a built-in lofi hip-hop radio from Lofi Girl
Technologies: HTML5, CSS, Javascript (JQuery, Easytimer library)

3D Printing

I've discovered 3D printing several years ago and after buying my first printer (Creality Ender 3) I've become more and more passionate about it. It's an incredibly powerful technology since it allows you to basically go from a virtual 3D model to a solid object in a matter of hours. It's great for prototyping!


Some years ago my uncle gave me a telescope (Skywatcher 130/900) and since then I've spent dozens of hours looking at the nightsky, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and so on.
You can find some astro-photos on my Instagram page.


I've become very interested in photography a few years ago, I started with my smartphone (iPhone 5c, now iPhone SE) and I've recently "upgraded" to an analog camera (Yashica FX-3). I really like the feel and colors of film, because for some reason it has a more "realistic" feel than digital photography.

My Portfolio

These are my favourites among the pictures I shot, you can find all of them and more on my Instagram page.

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